Spring season
Online registration starts in November and the season begins early March and runs through the end of May.
Fall season
Online registration starts in June and the season begins in early September and runs through the end of October.
All adults that will be working with our athletes are required to submit a background check and complete APS Training. This includes all head coaches, assistant coaches, dugout parent or anyone who wishes to be on the field working with the athletes. Please go to the Background section on our website to complete your background check and training.
Refund Policy: What happens if you register and pay in full and decide not to play?
100% refund if you request to unregister prior to draft night and ordering of uniforms.
50% refund if you request to unregister after teams have been drafted uniforms have been ordered.
No refunds will be offered if request to unregister after first game has been played.
** If you live outside of the shaded area on map you are NOT a City of Kennesaw resident (this is NOT your postal City) and an additional fee of $35.00 will be added to Registration Fees**
League | Start Date | End Date |
T-Ball | 5/1/2019 | 4/30/21 |
Farm Ball | 5/1/2018 | 4/30/2019 |
Pinto | 5/1/2016 | 4/30/2018 |
Mustang | 5/1/2014 | 4/30/2016 |
Bronco | 5/1/2012 | 4/30/2014 |
Pony | 5/1/2010 | 4/30/2012 |
Colt | 5/1/2006 | 4/30/2010 |
6u Softball | 1/1/2017 | 12/31/2019 |
8u Softball | 1/1/2015 | 12/31/2016 |
10u Softball | 1/1/2013 | 12/31/2014 |
12u Softball | 1/1/2011 | 12/31/2012 |
13+ Softball | 1/1/2005 | 12/31/2010 |
How do I determine which league my child will play? When players register they are placed in a league based on birth date as of April 30 of the coming year. Answering the question, how old will my son/daughter be on April 30th of the coming year, gives the league he plays in. So for example if Sam turns 10 on February the 4th, he will be 10 on April 30 and play in the 10 year old (YO) league. Another example, if the registering player is 7 at time of registration and will turn 8 on May the 5th, he will play in the 7 YO league, as he will be 7 on April 30 of the coming year.